New U.S. Space Force uniform inspired by Star Trek?

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The U.S. Space Force has been busy developing a new service uniform. During an online presentation, General Jay Raymond, Chief of Space Operations, revealed the concept. Two guardians, one male one female, showed off the new uniforms.

New U.S. Space Force uniform inspired by Star Trek?

The new uniforms have caused quite a stir, and critics are drawing comparisons with, amongst other things, Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica.


There is also a lot of criticism about the fit. And I get it. The lady’s pants, in particular, are clearly too big. This is interesting since the U.S. Space Force said they first developed the women’s uniforms and the men’s version came later. Usually, this happens the other way around. The question is, how can you manage to come up with such a poor fit for the ladies…


Inspired by Star Trek or not?

The U.S. Space Force has not commented extensively but has indicated that all feedback will be taken into account. The uniforms are not finished and will only be tested at the end of this year. In addition, they are also working on the uniforms for physical training. These are “designed for employees to be physically ready to protect the US and allied interests in space” and “developed to withstand the most grueling physical regimes,” according to Second Lt. Mahala Norris.

Whatever you think of it, they have shown guts. Not only by deviating from the standard vertical buttons on jackets, but also by developing a design for women first. And let’s face it, it’s way better than the earth-tone camouflage pattern.

What do you think of the new uniforms?

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