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After twenty years, Burger King has a brand new visual corporate identity. They will implement this worldwide, both offline and online. And that means new company clothing for Burger King employees. The uniforms will be on display in the Dutch stores from now on. Time to dive in!
The old picture
Before I show you the new company clothing, let’s first look at the old collection. In the photos below, you can see what the employees wore up to now.

The most striking aspect is the colored horizontal stripes. This color choice was no accident. The idea was to mimic the ingredients of the Whopper, one of their most popular burgers. Beige for the bun, brown for the meat, red for the tomato, and green for the lettuce. And dark gray is a nod to the grilling process.
Although the fast-food chain last changed its corporate identity twenty years ago, the above uniforms were only worn since 2014. Before that, Burger King employees did not have standardized uniforms, they varied per country.
New company clothing for Burger King employees
Burger King in 2021 has the ambition to offer all food and drinks without artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. And that is the basis for this new corporate identity.

They also want to have a modern look with a positive outlook on the future, without losing sight of the origins of the brand.

Burger King wants to use the clothing to make its employees “real flame-grill masters”, according to the press release. They call the style contemporary and comfortable.

My opinion
I have not yet seen the new clothing up close, but based on the photos, I am a fan. Although the collection is not very exciting in terms of model and fit, I find the use of color very creative and distinctive. The combination of yellow, orange, red, brown and white has a little of a seventies feel to it. And I like that. You don’t see this style much anymore.

McDonald’s, for example, their competitor, has opted for a somewhat more modest appearance. In their uniforms, you mainly see light blue, dark blue, gray, and black. That makes the uniform look a bit more businesslike. Burger King has done just the opposite and I like that. It’s retro, but also hip and modern. I love it!
What do you think of Burger King’s new corporate clothing?
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