COVIDwear shows hilarious working from home clothes

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Many people worldwide are still at home with no work. So what do you do when you are a photographer and you want to do something but don’t have an assignment? Then you share the most hilarious working from home clothes with the rest of the world …



COVIDwear shows hilarious working from home clothes

Alex and Chelsea Workman, a couple from Tallahassee, Florida, came up with this brilliant idea. They launched the website COVIDwear: business on the top, quarantine on the bottom.

The website shows photos of people working from home. All looking very presentable from the waist up and comfortably dressed for quarantine at the bottom. The contrast could hardly be greater, and that is exactly what makes these photos so much fun.

Photographer Alex Workman
Photographer Alex Workman
Photographer Alex Workman with his children
Photographer Alex Workman with his children
Photographer Chelsea Workman
Photographer Chelsea Workman
COVIDwear shows hilarious working from home clothes
Model Kristin
COVIDwear shows hilarious working from home clothes
Model Charlotte
COVIDwear shows hilarious working from home clothes
Model Christian
COVIDwear shows hilarious working from home clothes
Model Stephanie⁣
COVIDwear shows hilarious working from home clothes
Models Emily and Garron
Model Kate
Model Kate
Model Nathan
Model Nathan
Model Max
Model Max

Safety first

Even though as a photographer it is difficult to keep a distance, this couple did everything they could to achieve this. They set up a photo studio in their garage where the model could see himself through a monitor. This allowed the photographers to give instructions remotely. Also, disinfectants, gloves, and masks were provided.


COVIDwear shows hilarious working from home clothes

A smile on your face

The couple sees the project mainly as a way to bring a little more joy into the world:

“The first month I was home I had a bit of a creative slump because I couldn’t leave the house and take pictures of people. I thought hard about how I could put a smile on people’s faces during this tough time without being disrespectful to those who put their lives on the line. This idea occurred to me and is the perfect way to unite people and emphasize that we are in this together,” said Alex.

If you want to see more photos, Alex posts photos on the corresponding social media channels of COVIDwear: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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