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When you start looking for overalls, you’ll quickly discover that there are numerous names for them. There’s a difference between a regular overall and an American overall. But there are also coveralls, dungarees, and special overalls for women. And each type has its own variations. In this article, I’ll explain the differences so you can search more effectively.
The difference between a regular and an American overall
First, let me answer the question of what the difference is between a regular overall and an American overall.

The regular variant covers your entire body, including your arms, legs, and upper body. That’s why it’s also called a coverall.
An American overall only covers your upper body and legs. It’s fastened with two shoulder straps. That’s why it’s also called bib overalls. It has the appearance of dungarees, but it doesn’t have to be. Dungarees are made for people who work in nature, while the American overall can be worn in other situations. Later in this article, I’ll explain how to distinguish between the two.
Coveralls and overalls
If you want to protect yourself optimally during work, it’s best to wear an overall or coverall. There are different types.
Standardized overalls
When working with hazardous substances or hot materials, you should wear a standardized overall. There are flame-retardant overalls that protect you from fire, sparks, and splashes of hot metal. If you work in an environment where there’s a risk of explosion, wearing an antistatic overall is mandatory.

Nowadays, more and more clothing is being sold that meets multiple standards, like the multinorm overall. The winter overall above is a good example. It’s suitable for low temperatures, flame retardant, antistatic, and also meets the welding standard.
Disposable overall

The disposable overall is very popular. It’s used by professionals who need to remove asbestos, for example. For proper protection, they also need to wear personal protective equipment like gloves and dust masks. Among consumers, the disposable overall is popular during renovations or painting projects. Unlike the other overalls in this article, you wear the disposable model over your clothing.
Winter overall

For those who have to work in very cold conditions, there’s a winter overall. These are thicker because they’re lined. The advantage is that they’re water repellent and windproof. In appearance, they resemble a ski suit.
Women’s overall

For a few years now, there’s been a special women’s overall. The company Covergalls designed this because it’s difficult for women to go to the toilet when they wear an overall. There’s a special zipper at the back of this overall, near the buttocks. This means you don’t have to take off the entire overall when using the toilet.
American overalls

The American overall is often used in environments where only the legs and abdomen need to be protected, such as in agriculture, industry, or construction.

The dungarees are one of the oldest types of work clothing. They originated in 1844 and were worn mainly by miners and farmers during the nineteenth century. They were made of denim. Nowadays, they’re also worn by consumers during DIY projects or as a fashionable garment.
Because in addition to being a practical garment, dungarees or overalls are also just wonderfully comfortable.
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