Why the glasual dress code rocks

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Casual dress codes are becoming increasingly common in the workplace. It seems to be spreading like wildfire: startups and casual clothes are the trend, and as the company grows, it is hard to change. But as with most trends, a counter-movement develops. So now it is time for glasual, the new dress code.

Why the glasual dress code rocks



Since the end of last year, British newspapers have described this dress code as the new trend. One that, according to The Guardian, represents fun. Glasual is a combination of casual and glamour. Do not confuse this with smart casual or business casual, as these dress codes are all about adding elements of business to outfits. Glasual is all about glamour. You add glamourous details to your outfits without compromising on comfort. This style is far removed from glamour as we know it, which is all about figure correcting underwear, impossibly tight pantyhose, and constricting corsets or dresses.


How to dress glasual?

The glorious thing about the glasual style is there are many ways to do it. You can add a pair of large shiny earrings to your outfit. Or you can opt for a sweater and glitter skirt combination paired with comfortable boots. And if high heels are your thing, you can combine them with casual pants and a shirt.

Gentlemen can throw on a shiny velour jacket over a pair of jeans. Or a chic, eye-catching belt. Here are a few examples. Glasual is all about details that bring a bit of joy and happiness to your everyday wear.


Glitter skirts

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Gold laces

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Chic pumps with a comfortable suit

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Festive shirts

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Shiny velour pants

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What about the workplace?

I am a big fan of glasual. It looks cheerful and adds a splash of creativity to an outfit. But I don’t expect this dress code will be the norm in most offices anytime soon. It is too specific. Not everyone has glamorous clothes or accessories in their closets. Besides, you also need a sense of style to pull this off. It looks great in the photos above, but not everyone can easily combine shiny and casual clothes; it is not as simple as going out and buying a complete outfit. With glasual, you really need to have a feel for what you are putting together if you want to look good.

So becoming the norm in the workplace will probably not happen in the near future, but have some fun and play with it. Jazzing things up in this time of casual clothes is a trend I am definitely in favor of! And you?



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