Recently, I interviewed Jeffrey Koerhuis, a young man who works in historical uniforms and is also an avid collector. His collection mainly focuses on old PTT(the company previously responsible … read article
We live in an era of casualization. More and more companies are revealing corporate clothing collections made of jogging fabric, complete with sneakers. A style that doesn’t differ much from … read article
It remains a controversial subject: headscarves in the workplace. Can you, as an employer, ban headscarves or not? Does personal freedom outweigh an employer’s wish to radiate neutrality? The European Court … read article
In May I wrote about STRONG (Soldier Transformation OnGoing), a Defense project working on equipping the Dutch soldier with new uniforms which include a unique camouflage pattern. The soldiers will also … read article
This month, Schiphol announced employees will get a fresh look. So it is time to show you what the new clothing looks like and what has changed. But before I do … read article
I’ve always found police uniforms very interesting. They show what a country stands for, what people consider important, and what kind of culture prevails. Today it is time for the uniform … read article
I have previously written about professional uniforms that are being copied, such as ambulance uniforms. I also covered police uniforms being worn as costumes for fancy dress parties and how … read article
We are all familiar with the camouflage pattern that soldiers wear. We see the spotty pattern in shades of green and brown all over the world. But Defense in the Netherlands is going to change that. The old uniform, which has been worn since the eighties, will be replaced. Under the name of project STRONG (Soldier Transformation On Going), they have developed a new clothing package, including a modified camouflage pattern.
For most men putting on a shirt is no problem. It’s something you don’t have to think about. But closing all those buttons one by one can be a challenge for some people. This could be because of a physical disability or simply because it is time-consuming. Mehdi De la Haye thought it was time for a solution and set up the NoButtons brand.
The army's search for female personnel has become a trend that cannot be ignored. And this is quite something. More and more countries are changing their policies and dress codes to make jobs within the Department of Defense more attractive to women. Last week, the Swiss army announced that it was also going to take steps.
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